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PCL 眼泪


后交叉韧带(PCL)连接股骨(大腿骨)和胫骨(胫骨)。. Located deep inside the knee and behind the joint, 它大约有2英寸长,用来限制胫骨向后运动. Violently twisting or overextending the knee can cause the PCL to tear, 使膝盖不稳定,可能无法支撑人的体重. As the knee's strongest ligament, the PCL usually won't tear unless there's a powerful blow to the knee, 比如在车祸中小腿或膝盖撞击仪表盘. Because of this association with a physically traumatic event, PCL tears are often accompanied by injuries to other knee ligaments. Some people tear the PCL when playing rugby, football or other contact sports, but this is relatively rare.

Our approach to PCL tears

加州大学旧金山分校致力于帮助PCL撕裂患者尽可能恢复最高水平的活动, whether that means a daily walk or reporting for practice with the NFL. Our team includes orthopedic surgeons, primary care sports medicine doctors, physical therapists and athletic trainers. 这些专家一起工作,为每个病人的需要和目标量身定制治疗计划.

我们用物理疗法治疗大多数简单的PCL撕裂,如果有用的话,可以使用支架. 除了 to providing information and education on the injury, UCSF offers the full range of physical therapies, including specifically designed exercise regimens, 功能性活动训练和神经肌肉再教育(使该区域恢复正常活动的技术).

如果损伤严重或伴有其他膝关节韧带损伤, we may recommend reconstructive surgery.

奖 & 识别

  • 《美国新闻与十大赌博平台排行榜报道》徽章,表彰加州大学旧金山分校成为其2024-2025年荣誉榜的一部分

    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • One of the nation's best for orthopedic care

迹象 & 症状



A thorough exam may be difficult if your knee is very swollen, but certain tests can help clarify what's wrong. 在“后抽屉测试”中,当膝盖弯曲90度时,十大赌博平台排行榜将胫骨向后推. If the tibia gives more than 5 millimeters, the PCL is likely torn. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜也可能进行其他检查来帮助确定韧带是否完全撕裂, partially torn or simply sprained.

除了, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会使用某些影像学检查来更仔细地检查你的损伤, 包括:

  • x射线. 这些可能是为了确保你的膝盖没有骨折.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). With an accuracy rate of nearly 90 percent, MRI is an effective tool for determining whether the PCL is torn and, 如果是这样的话, the extent of the damage. 它还将提供其他膝关节韧带和半月板(膝关节软骨)的信息。.


单纯性PCL撕裂通常采用物理治疗而非手术治疗. A brace may be used at first, 一个精心设计的物理治疗方案可以帮助你恢复功能和稳定性. The time it takes you to recover will depend on your injury's severity; full recovery ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

如果额外的韧带撕裂或完成物理治疗后膝关节仍未恢复稳定,通常会考虑手术. The decision to have surgery is often a personal choice, in which you and your doctor consider factors such as your age, physical condition and athletic goals.

通常的手术是微创手术,外科十大赌博平台排行榜用你身体的另一部分(自体移植)或尸体(同种异体移植)来重建你的PCL。. The graft serves as scaffolding for the ligament to grow new tissue; the type of graft used is based on patient and surgeon preference.

Taking less than two hours, 手术是通过关节镜(用于关节的内窥镜)完成的。, through small incisions made around the knee. 植入一个微型摄像机,让外科十大赌博平台排行榜可以看到所有的膝盖结构,并适当地定位新韧带. 你会被全身麻醉(完全睡着了),还会接受神经阻滞, 一种阻断该区域疼痛信号并减轻术后疼痛的注射.

大多数患者在同一天回家,使用拐杖和膝盖支架至少六周. 手术后一到两周,拆线并开始物理治疗计划. Committing to the program is key to achieving a full recovery.

Frequently asked questions

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

A Woman's Aching Knees

Why are women winding up with more knee injuries? 研究人员猜测,最可能的原因之一是女性的体型. 点击这里了解更多.

Take Care of Your Knees

Although collateral ligament injuries can be difficult to avoid, 这里有几个步骤,你可以采取提高你的膝盖的力量和灵活性.

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