


虚拟结肠镜检查 (VC) is an imaging or x-ray test that looks for 癌症, 息肉或大肠(结肠)的其他疾病. 这项检查的医学名称是CT结肠镜检查.


Colonoscopy - virtual; CT colonography; Computed tomographic colonography; Colography - virtual


VC不同于常规 结肠镜检查. 常规结肠镜检查使用长, lighted tool called a colonoscope that is inserted into the rectum and large intestine.

VC is done in the radiology department of a hospital or medical center. No sedatives are needed and no colonoscope is used.


  • You lie on your left side on a narrow table that is connected to a CT 机.
  • 你的膝盖向胸部靠拢.
  • A small, flexible tube is inserted into the rectum. Air is pumped through the tube to make the colon bigger and easier to see.
  • 然后你仰面躺下.
  • The table slides into a large tunnel in the CT 机. 给你的结肠拍x光片.
  • X-rays are also taken while you lie on your stomach.
  • You must stay very still during this procedure, because movement can blur the x-rays. You may be asked to hold your breath briefly while each x-ray is taken.

A computer combines all the images to form three-dimensional pictures of the colon. The radiologist can view the images on a video monitor.


Your bowels need to be completely empty and clean for the exam. A problem in your large intestine that needs to be treated may be missed if your intestines are not cleaned out.

Your health care provider will give you the steps for cleansing your bowel. 这被称为肠道准备. 步骤可能包括:

  • 使用灌肠剂
  • Not eating solid foods for 1 to 3 days before the test
  • 服用泻药

You need to drink plenty of clear liquids for 1 to 3 days before the test. 透明液体的例子有:

  • 清咖啡或茶
  • 无脂清汤或肉汤
  • 明胶
  • 运动饮料
  • 过滤果汁

Keep taking your medicines unless your health care provider tells you otherwise.

You will need to ask your provider if you need to stop taking iron pills or liquids a few days before the test, unless your provider tells you it is OK to continue. 铁会使你的大便变黑. This makes it harder for the radiologist to view inside your bowel.

CT和MRI扫描仪对金属非常敏感. 考试当天不戴首饰. You will be asked to change out of your street clothes and wear a hospital gown for the procedure.


x光片是无痛的. Pumping air into the colon may cause cramping or gas pains.


  • You may feel bloated and have mild abdominal cramping and pass a lot of gas.
  • You should be able to return to your regular activities.



  • 后续在 结肠癌 或息肉
  • Abdominal pain, changes in bowel movements, or weight loss
  • 贫血 由于铁含量低
  • 大便中有血或黑色焦油样大便
  • Screen for 癌症 of the colon or rectum (should be done every 5 years)

Your provider may recommend a regular 结肠镜检查 instead of a VC. The reason is that VC does not allow removing tissue samples 或息肉.

Other times, a VC is done if a regular 结肠镜检查 could not be completed.


Normal findings are images of a healthy intestinal tract.


Abnormal test results may mean any of the following:

  • 结肠直肠癌
  • Abnormal pouches on the lining of the intestines, called 憩室病
  • 结肠炎 (肿胀和发炎的肠道)由于 克罗恩病, 溃疡性结肠炎感染或血液流动不足
  • 下消化道出血
  • 息肉
  • 肿瘤

Regular 结肠镜检查 may be done (on a different day) after a VC if:

  • 没有发现出血或其他症状的原因. VC可以忽略结肠中一些较小的问题.
  • 在VC上发现了需要活检的问题.



  • 暴露在CT扫描的辐射下
  • Nausea, vomiting, bloating, or rectal irritation from medicines used to prepare for the test
  • Perforation of the intestine when the tube to pump air is inserted (extremely unlikely).


Differences between virtual and conventional 结肠镜检查 include:

  • VC可以从许多不同的角度观察冒号. 常规结肠镜检查就不那么容易了.
  • VC不需要镇静. You can usually go back to your normal activities right away after the test. Regular 结肠镜检查 uses sedation and often the loss of a work day.
  • 使用CT扫描仪的VC会使你暴露在辐射中.
  • Regular 结肠镜检查 has a small risk for bowel perforation (creating a small tear). 风险投资几乎没有这种风险.
  • VC is often not able to detect 息肉 smaller than 10 millimeters. Regular 结肠镜检查 can detect 息肉 of all sizes.


Garber JJ, Chung DC. 结肠息肉和息肉综合征. 见:Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ编. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology Diagnosis Management. 11日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 126.

Kim DH, Pickhardt PJ. Computed tomography colonography and evaluation of the colon. 见:戈尔RM,莱文MS,编. 胃肠放射学教科书. 5日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 38.

国家癌症研究所网站. 结肠直肠癌 prevention (PDQ) - health professional version. www.癌症.gov /类型/结直肠/ hp / colorectal-prevention-pdq. 2023年8月18日更新. 于2024年2月11日发布.

国家综合癌症网络网站. NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology (NCCN guidelines): colorectal 癌症 screening. 版本1.2024 - 2024年2月27日. www.会发现.org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/colorectal_screening.pdf. 2024年2月27日更新. 于2024年4月17日发布.

Shaukat A, Kahi CJ, Burke CA, Rabeneck L, Sauer BG, Rex DK. ACG clinical guidelines: colorectal 癌症 screening 2021. 我是胃肠醇吗. 2021;116(3):458-479. PMID: 33657038 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov / 33657038 /.

美国预防服务工作组网站. 最终建议声明. 结直肠癌:筛检. www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/recommendation/colorectal-癌症-screening. 2021年5月18日发布. 于2024年2月11日发布.

审核日期: 01/31/2023

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A开发的信息.D.A.M.公司. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.
