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Quadruple screen test



Alternative Names

Quad screen; Multiple marker screening; AFP plus; Triple screen test; AFP maternal; MSAFP; 4-marker screen; Down syndrome - quadruple; Trisomy 21 - quadruple; Turner syndrome - quadruple; Spina bifida - quadruple; Tetralogy - quadruple; Duodenal atresia - quadruple; Genetic counseling - quadruple; Alpha-fetoprotein quadruple; Human chorionic gonadotropin - quadruple; hCG - quadruple; Unconjugated estriol - quadruple; uE3 - quadruple; Pregnancy - quadruple; Birth defect - quadruple; Quadruple marker test; Quad test; Quadruple marker screen

How the Test is Performed

这个测试通常在怀孕的第15到22周之间进行. 在第16周和第18周之间是最准确的.

A blood sample is taken and sent to the lab for testing.

The test measures levels of 4 pregnancy hormones:

  • 甲胎蛋白(AFP),一种由婴儿产生的蛋白质
  • 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG),一种在胎盘中产生的激素
  • 未结合雌三醇(uE3),胎儿和胎盘中产生的雌激素的一种形式
  • Inhibin A, a hormone released by the placenta



  • Your age
  • Your ethnic background
  • Your weight
  • Your baby's gestational age (以周为单位,从上一次月经到当前日期)

How to Prepare for the Test

准备考试不需要特别的步骤. You can eat or drink normally before the test.

How the Test will Feel

当针插入时,你可能会感到轻微的疼痛或刺痛. 抽血后,您可能还会在该部位感到一些悸动.

Why the Test is Performed

这项测试是为了发现你的宝宝是否有某些先天缺陷的风险, 如唐氏综合症和脊柱和大脑的先天缺陷(称为神经管缺陷). 这个测试是一个筛选测试,所以它不能诊断问题.


  • Women who are over 35 years old during pregnancy
  • Women taking insulin to treat diabetes
  • Women with a family history of birth defects

Normal Results

Normal levels of AFP, hCG, uE3, and inhibin A.

不同实验室的正常值范围可能略有不同. 与你的医疗保健提供者谈谈你的具体测试结果的意义.

What Abnormal Results Mean

一个异常的测试结果并不意味着你的宝宝一定有先天缺陷. 通常,如果你的宝宝比你的十大赌博平台排行榜想象的要大或小,结果可能会不正常.

If you have an abnormal result, 你要再做一次超声波检查,检查胎儿的年龄.

如果超声波显示出问题,可能会建议进行更多的检查和咨询. 然而,有些人出于个人或宗教原因选择不再做任何检查. Possible next steps include:

  • Amniocentesis它检查婴儿周围羊水中的甲胎蛋白水平. 基因检测可以在抽取的羊水上进行.
  • 检测或排除某些先天缺陷(如唐氏综合症)的检查.
  • Genetic counseling.
  • 用超声波检查婴儿的大脑、脊髓、肾脏和心脏.
  • Prenatal cell-free DNA screening, 它使用胎盘和母亲血液中胎儿的无细胞DNA. 正常结果可能有助于避免羊膜穿刺术.

During pregnancy, 甲胎蛋白水平升高可能是由于婴儿发育的问题, including:

  • 脑和颅骨部分缺失(无脑畸形)
  • 婴儿的肠道或其他附近器官(如 duodenal atresia)
  • 胎儿在子宫内死亡(通常会导致死亡) miscarriage)
  • Spina bifida (spinal defect)
  • Tetralogy of Fallot (heart defect)
  • Turner syndrome (genetic defect)



  • Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
  • Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)


四层筛检可能有假阴性和假阳性结果(尽管它比三层筛检更准确). 需要更多的测试来确认异常结果.



ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 162 .遗传疾病的产前诊断检测. Obstet Gynecol. 2016;127(5):e108-e122. PMID: 26938573

Driscoll DA, Simpson JL. Genetic screening and prenatal genetic diagnosis. In: Landon MB, Galan HL, Jauniaux ERM, et al, eds. Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 10.

Wapner RJ, Dugoff L. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital disorders. In: Resnik R, Lockwood CJ, Moore TR, Greene MF, Copel JA, Silver RM编. Creasy和Resnik的母胎医学:原则和实践. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 32.

Williams DE, Pridjian G. Obstetrics. In: Rakel RE, Rakel DP, eds. Textbook of Family Medicine. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016:chap 20.

Review Date: 01/10/2022

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Information developed by A.D.A.M., Inc. 关于测试和测试结果可能与UCSF健康中心提供的信息不直接对应. 请与您的十大赌博平台排行榜讨论您可能有的任何问题或担忧.
