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Helicobacter pylori infection


Helicobacter pylori (H pylori是一种感染胃部的细菌. 它非常普遍,影响着十大赌博平台排行榜上大约三分之二的人口. H pylori infection is the most common cause of peptic ulcers. 然而,这种感染对大多数人来说不会造成问题.

Alternative Names

H pylori infection


H pylori 细菌最有可能直接在人与人之间传播. This tends to happen during childhood. 如果不治疗,这种感染会终生存在.

目前尚不清楚这种细菌是如何从一个人传播到另一个人的. The bacteria may spread from:

  • Mouth-to-mouth contact
  • 胃肠道疾病(特别是呕吐时)
  • Contact with stool (fecal material)
  • Contaminated food and water


  • H pylori 进入胃的黏液层并附着在胃粘膜上.
  • H pylori 导致胃产生更多的胃酸. 这会损害胃粘膜,导致一些人出现溃疡.

Besides ulcers, H pylori bacteria can also cause a chronic 胃炎(胃炎)或小肠上部的炎症(十二指肠炎)和十二指肠溃疡.

H pylori 有时也会导致胃癌或一种罕见类型的胃淋巴瘤吗.


About 10% to 15% of people infected with H pylori develop peptic ulcer disease. Small ulcers may not cause any symptoms. Some ulcers can cause serious bleeding.

腹部疼痛或灼痛是一种常见症状. The pain may be worse with an empty stomach. 疼痛因人而异,有些人没有疼痛感.

Other symptoms include:

  • 有饱腹感或腹胀感,不能像平时一样多喝水
  • 饥饿和胃里的空虚感,通常发生在饭后1至3小时
  • Mild nausea that may go away with vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss without trying
  • Burping
  • Bloody or dark, tarry stools or bloody vomit

Exams and Tests

Your health care provider may test you for H pylori if you:

  • Have peptic ulcers or a history of ulcers
  • 胃部不适和疼痛持续一个多月

告诉十大赌博平台排行榜你服用的药物. 非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)也会引起溃疡. 如果你有溃疡或出现溃疡的症状 H pylori 感染时,您的提供商可能会执行以下测试 H pylori

  • 呼气测试-尿素呼气测试(碳同位素-尿素呼气测试,或UBT). 十大赌博平台排行榜会要求你吞下一种含有尿素的特殊物质. If H pylori 存在的细菌会将尿素转化为二氧化碳吗. 这将在10分钟后被检测并记录在你呼出的气体中.
  • Blood test-- measures antibodies to H pylori in your blood.
  • Stool test -- detects the presence of H pylori in your stool.
  • Biopsy 测试从胃里取出的组织样本使用 endoscopy. The sample is checked for H pylori infection.


为了让你的溃疡愈合,减少复发的机会, you will be given medicines to:

  • Kill the H pylori bacteria (if present)
  • Reduce acid levels in your stomach

照医嘱服下所有的药. Other lifestyle changes can also help.

If you have a peptic ulcer and an H pylori infection, treatment is recommended. 标准治疗包括以下药物的不同组合,持续10至14天:

  • Antibiotics to kill H pylori
  • 质子泵抑制剂,帮助降低胃酸水平
  • 可以添加铋(Pepto-Bismol的主要成分)来帮助杀死细菌

服用所有这些药物长达14天并不容易. 但这样做会给你最好的机会摆脱 H pylori 防止将来出现溃疡.

Outlook (Prognosis)

如果你吃药,很有可能 H pylori infection will be cured. 你就不太可能再得溃疡了.

Sometimes, H pylori can be hard to fully cure. 可能需要重复不同疗程的治疗. 有时会做胃活检来检测细菌,看看哪种抗生素效果最好. This can help guide future treatment. In some cases, H pylori 任何治疗都不能治愈,虽然症状可能会减轻.


Posssible Complications

A chronic infection with H pylori may lead to:

  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Gastric and upper intestine ulcers
  • Stomach cancer
  • 胃粘膜相关淋巴组织(MALT)淋巴瘤

Other complications may include:

  • Severe blood loss
  • 溃疡留下的疤痕可能会使胃更难以排空
  • 胃和肠的穿孔或洞
  • Iron deficiency anemia

When to Contact a Medical Professional

突然出现的严重症状可能表明肠道堵塞, perforation, or hemorrhage, all of which are emergencies. Symptoms may include:

  • Tarry, black, or bloody stools
  • Severe vomiting, 这可能包括血液或类似咖啡渣的物质(严重出血的迹象)或整个胃内容物(肠梗阻的迹象)。
  • 剧烈腹痛,伴有或不伴有呕吐或出血



Chan FKL, Lau JYW. Peptic ulcer disease. In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ, eds. Sleisenger和Fordtran的胃肠和肝脏疾病. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 53.

Cover TL, Blaser MJ. 幽门螺杆菌和其他胃幽门螺杆菌种类. In: Bennett JE, Dolin R, Blaser MJ, eds. 曼德尔、道格拉斯和班尼特的《十大赌博平台排行榜》. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 217.

Ku GY, Ilson DH. Cancer of the stomach. In: Niederhuber JE, Armitage JO, Kastan MB, Doroshow JH, Tepper JE,编. Abeloff's Clinical Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 72.

Review Date: 03/31/2024

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